Selected bibliography
This selected bibliography includes a series of studies following 1998
(the previous ones can be found in CMS II,6 or in Hallager 1996),
but also some older works are considered very relevant and, consequently, quoted.
CMS II 6 = Müller, W., Pini, I. - Die Siegelabdrükretischen abdrücke von Aj. Triada und anderen zentral- und ostkretischen fundorten , in Corpus der Minoischen und Mykenischen Siegel, Band II 6, Berlin 1999.
GORILA 2 = Godart, L. - Nodules, Scellès et Rondelles édités avant 1970, in Requeil des inscriptiones in Linéaire A, Vol. 2, Paris 1979.
LinAPhT = J. Younger, Linear A Texts in phonetic transcription:
Albertini, N., Jasink, A.M., Montecchi, B. - "Digital acquisition and modeling of the Minoan seals and sealings kept in two Italian Museums" in Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies (CNTH 18), November 11-13 2013 Wien, Wien 2014
Del Freo, M. - "Le cretule di Haghia Triada nel Museo Nazionale Preistorico Etnografico "Luigi Pigorini". Catalogo", Bullettino di Paletnologia Italiana n.s. 11-12, 2002-2003: 53-75.
Hallager , E. - "Identical Seal on Roundels and other Documents", in (W. Mller ed.) Sceaux minoens and mycéniens (=CMS Beiheft 5), Berlin 1995: 87-103.
Hallager, E. - The Minoan Roundel and other Sealed Documents in the Neopalatial Linear A Administration, Voll. I-II. Liège 1996.
Hallager, E. - "The hanging nodules and their inscriptions", in (M. Perna ed.) Administrative Documents in the Aegean and their Near Eastern Counterparts. Proceedings of the International Colloquium Naples, February 29 - March 2, 1996. Torino 2000: 251-260.
Hallager, E. - "One Linear A Tablet and 45 Noduli", Creta Antica 3: 105-109.
Hallager, E., Godart, L., Olivier, J.-P. - "La rondelle en linéaire A d'Haghia Triada Wc 4024 (HM 1110)", Bulletin de correspondance hellénique 113, 1989: 431-437.
La Rosa, V. and Pugliese Carratelli, G. - "Nuove iscrizioni in Lineare A dalla "Villa Reale" di Haghia Triada", Parola del Passato 42, 1987: 463-468.
Militello, P.. "Riconsiderazioni preliminari sulla documentazione in Lineare A da Haghia Triada", Sileno 14, 1988: 233-261.
Montecchi, B. - Contare a Haghia Triada. Le tavolette in Lineare A, i documenti sigillati e il sistema economico-amministrativo del TM IB (in press)
Montecchi, B. and Jasink, A.M. - "Un percorso virtuale attraverso i secoli, i volti, i paesaggi, i documenti: da Creta all'Italia, dalla preistoria alla storia", in (A.M.Jasink, G.Tucci, L.Bombardieri eds.) MUSINT. Museo interattivo delle Collezioni egee e cipriote in Toscana. Ricerche ed esperienze di museologia interattiva. Firenze 2011 (= Periploi 3): 243-262
Negri, M. - "I segni sulle cretulae di Haghia Triada del Museo Pigorini. Commento filologico-linguistico", Bullettino di Paletnologia Italiana, n.s. 11-12, 2002-2003: 95-101
Schoep., I. - "Context and Chronology of Linear A Administrative Documents", Aegean Archaeology 2, 1995: 29-65.
Schoep., I. - "Sealed documents and data processing in Minoan administration: a review article", Minos 32-33, 1996-97 [1998]: 405-415.
Weingarten, J. - "Some unusual Minoan clay nodules", Kadmos XXV 1986: 1-21.
Weingarten, J. - "Seal-use at LM IB Ayia Triada: a Minoan elite in action I. Administrative considerations", Kadmos XXVI 1987: 1-43.
Weingarten, J. - "Seal-use at LM IB Ayia Triada: a Minoan elite in action II. Aesthetic considerations", Kadmos XXVII 1988: 89-114.
Weingarten, J. - "Late Bronze Age Trade within Crete: the evidence of seals and sealings" in (N.H.Gale ed.) Bronze Age Trade in the Mediterranean, Jonsered 1991: 303-324.
Weingarten, J. - "Seal impressions stamped by cushion seals", in (G. Dionisio, A.M. Jasink, J. Weingarten eds.) Minoan Cushion Seals. Innovation in form, style and use in Bronze Age glyptic, Chap.VI, Roma 2014: 103-114.