With "documents" we mean the administrative documents found at Haghia Triada, dated to the Neo- Palatial Period. While a complete reference can be accessed in a database in the Haghia Triada home-page, here we report the files of the sealed documents in the Prehistoric Ethnographic Museum "Luigi Pigorini" of Rome (RMP). With the aim to facilitate the visitor according to his interests, two alternative and parallel paths are proposed: the first starts from the sign carved on the cretula, the second from the stamped seal. Therefore, the same object - within a single file - may be examined following one of the two routes.
In the first path the engraved symbol is identified through the initials AB, used to define a sign with a similar shape belonging to Linear A and Linear B (this abbreviation was proposed in GORILA 2 and has been adopted by the scientific community), followed by the number and the meaning ascribed to the Linear B sign. Selecting each symbol a page opens in which, below the symbol, the documents where it is engraved are listed, using the different number they have according GORILA 2 (with a starting Wa - referring to the typology of the document, in our case the nodule - followed by a progressive number given to the whole corpus of the sealed documents of Haghia Triada). The symbols on the documents of RMP are likely 8, 3 of which coincide with the symbols in FMA, but the interpretation of one of them (AB 81 KU), as in FMA, is not always sure, as will be underlined in the description of the single documents. Just this description is the next step of our path: Selecting the listed documents three dimensional models of almost all them will appear together with an analytical description.
In the second path, below the drawing of each sealing the number of CMS II,6 is given. Selecting the drawing the RMP inventory number(s) appear(s), and the number concerning the engraved symbol (AB 00). Going on in the path and opening each file, the same three-dimensional models and related analytical descriptions as in the first path will be accessible.