Inscriptions (RMP)

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segno inciso
AB 73 ZE
Wa 1294
Wa 1301
Wa 1283
Inventory: 71977
Museum: Pigorini Museum of Rome
Measure: 2.1 x 1.4 x 1.5
Shape: Hanging Nodule with a single hole ("pyramid")
Inscription: HT Wa 1283: engraved schematic symbol Linear AB 74 ZE (?). Scriba: -
Motif: CMS II,6 110. A seal impression - from a hard-stein rectangular flat seal, with two holes on the longest axis -: the motif of the "displayed bird" with unfolged wings seems belonging to the so-called "quasi-talismanic" style
Bibliography: Borda 1946: 67 no. 24; GORILA 2: 28; CMS II,6 110; Del Freo 2002-2003: 68 no. 26; Albertini-Jasink-Montecchi 2013: 11
Notes: The sign read as ZE in Wa 1283 is too light and inaccurate for a sure identification