Seha River Land


Country in western Anatolia. According to Tuthaliya I/II sources, the Seha Land was not a kingdom before the XV century B.C.E (since it had neither KUR nor URU, see de Martino 1996, 13-14). Later, the Kingdom of Seha River was ally of Arzawa during the Mursili II' offensive in western Anatolia. The identification of the Seha River with Meander River has been discussed until the Hawkins's proposal to recognise it as the ancient Hermos River (Hawkins 1998, 2, 23), today widely accepted. [RGTC 6 547-548; RGTC 6/2, 144]

Place Names
Muwawalwi Appawiya CTH 211.4: KUB 23.13 Ro 1 (ÍD Seha)
Ura-Tarhunta Arzawa CTH 61.I: KBo 3.4+ III 10, 17, 18 (ÍD Seha)
Manapa-Tarhunta Mira CTH 61.II: KBo 2.5a + 16.17 II 56' / KUB 14.15 IV 32 (ÍD Seha)
Masturi Lazpa CTH 142.2.A: KUB 23.11 II 4 (ÍD Seha)
Tarhunaradu Wilusa CTH 578: KUB 49.66, 6', 12' (KUR URU ÍD Seha)
Piyamaradu Assuwa CTH 68.H: KUB 19.51 + HFAC 1 I 7' (KUR ÍD Seha)
StBoTB 1 IV 32 (KUR URU ÍD Seha)
CTH 237: IBoT 4.2 IV 7' (..]Seha)
CTH 69: KUB 19.49 I 15, 22, 63 (ÍD Seha); IV 30 (KUR ÍD Seha) / KUB 19.50 III 5 (KUR ÍD Seha).